In 2022, the Topigs Norsvin turnover rose by 12% to € 234 million. This is a bigger increase than in 2021, when the turnover rose by 9%. Worldwide, the demand for Topigs Norsvin genetics continues to be high. The TN70 sow remains the favorite of future-oriented pig producers. Among the terminal boars, the TN Tempo terminal boar strengthened its position in the market. The TN Duroc terminal boar, introduced in various countries, was warmly received because clients are looking for an alternative that offers superior efficiency and meat quality.
However, the increase in turnover was not enough to keep pace with rising costs caused by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. As a result of this, the EBITDA in 2022 was € 17.4 million. This is 28% lower than in 2021. The result after taxes of € 2.1 million was one-third of the result in 2021.
In 2022, Topigs Norsvin invested a record amount in genetic progress and its accelerated worldwide distribution, like the opening of Innova Canada. This nucleus farm is the biggest investment in the history of Topigs Norsvin.
Topigs Norsvin continues to invest in progress. Later this year, a new sub-nucleus farm will open its doors in Brazil and in 2024, a test station currently under construction in Norway will enter service. In the Netherlands, the new AI center in Keldonk has become operational in 2023.
CEO Villaume Kal: “The global team of Topigs Norsvin achieved a fine result in 2022 in a particularly challenging and dynamic market. It was a difficult year with exceptional challenges that often arose unexpectedly. We can therefore be proud of what we have achieved, and I would like to thank everybody for their efforts.”
Mark Tijssen, chair of Coöperatie Topigs and chair of the Supervisory Board of Topigs Norsvin: “Market conditions for our members and clients are rapidly changing. Our choices align with these changes, and the investment in Innova Canada is a good example of this. Consequently, our genetics ensure a better return, better animal welfare, and products that meet the requirements of the market and the consumer both now and in the future.”
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